Terms and Conditions


The Alzheimer Society of Calgary is an independent non-profit organization with a focus on improving quality of life for people who have been impacted by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias in Calgary and surrounding area. As a small non-profit organization, we are reliant upon the research and information provided by other individuals and organizations to help inform, support and connect our community members. Where outside sources have been used to provide information, references have been cited. The presence of references to these outside sources is not an endorsement of any opinions, information, products or services found on those external sites.

The Alzheimer Society of Calgary makes best efforts to ensure that the information provided on this website is accurate, relevant and up-to-date. This information should not be considered medical guidance or professional advice. We encourage all users to pursue additional information, research other reliable sources and seek appropriate consultation with a physician regarding any questions or potential health concerns. The Alzheimer Society of Calgary, its affiliates, agents or any other parties involved in the preparation or publication of this site are not responsible for errors or omissions in the information provided on this site or any actions resulting from the use of such information.

Updates, corrections and additions to this site will be made when necessary or as time permits.

The Alzheimer Society of Calgary does not authorize advertising on its corporate website and does not host the display of commercial content for purposes of generating funds.

Copyright © 2020 Alzheimer Society of Calgary. All rights reserved.

This website design and content including text, graphics, photographs and videos are copyrighted by the Alzheimer Society of Calgary unless otherwise credited to the creator of the work. They are protected by copyright under Canadian, United States and foreign laws. If you would like to reproduce any material on this site for any purpose other than personal, non-commercial use, contact communications@alzheimercalgary.com with your request.

Reprint or reuse of information from this site without change

To request permission to use information from this website, send an email describing intended use, duration and contact information. Contact communications@alzheimercalgary.com


The use of any Alzheimer Society of Calgary logo without the Alzheimer Society of Calgary’s written consent is strictly prohibited. Please send written requests describing intended use, duration and contact information to communications@alzheimercalgary.com

Photographs, videos and graphics

The photographs, videos and graphics on our website are not available for reproduction by third parties. Similar stock images are available for a fee from stock image sources.

Translations and adaptations

Translations or adaptations of Alzheimer Society of Calgary content must be reviewed and approved by the Alzheimer Society of Calgary. Please send an email describing intended use, duration and contact information to communications@alzheimercalgary.com

Using content from Alzheimer Society of Calgary media/press releases

Reprint of Alzheimer Society of Calgary's content or references to Alzheimer Society of Calgary contact information in an organization’s press release must be approved by the Philanthropy and Engagement team at the Alzheimer Society of Calgary.  Please send queries to communications@alzheimercalgary.com