Imagine the future you can help create.
By choosing to leave a gift in your will, you are making a powerful choice to ensure local families never have to face a diagnosis alone. Your legacy gift will shape a future where all people impacted by dementia are valued and empowered. By leaving a gift in your will, you can ensure help is always a phone call away for families who just heard, “Your loved one has dementia.”
Read below for more info on how you can make supporting families part of your lasting legacy.
How to Make a Gift in Your Will
Leaving a gift in your will is easier than you might think. We always recommend working with a lawyer, tax professional, and/or financial advisor to ensure you can achieve your goals. Below you’ll find some general information to help you get started.
There are several different ways you can give and leave a lasting legacy:
- Specific Gift. With a specific gift, you choose exactly how much you’d like to give to Alzheimer Calgary.
- Sample Language: “I give to Alzheimer Calgary (Registered Charity Number: 130725740 RR 0001) the sum of $_____________ in support of its general charitable purposes.”
- Residual Gift. A residual gift is a helpful option for those who are unsure of their estate’s value or are sharing their estate among multiple beneficiaries. It allows you to give a percentage of whatever is leftover in your estate.
- Sample Language: “I give to Alzheimer Calgary (Registered Charity Number: 130725740 RR 0001) ____% of the rest and residue of my estate, in support of its general charitable purposes.”
- Gift-in-Kind. With this type of gift, you can leave Alzheimer Calgary a gift such as property or artwork.
- Sample Language: “I give to Alzheimer Calgary (Registered Charity Number: 130725740 RR 0001) _________ (describe property to be given such as real estate, works of art, shares, etc.) in support of its general charitable purposes.”
If you already have a will, you can still add Alzheimer Calgary without redrafting the entire document. Simply ask your lawyer to draft a codicil (a legal clause used to make changes) to attach to your existing will.
Important Information
Whether you’re working with legal or financial expertise, please provide them with the following information:
- Legal Name: Alzheimer Society of Calgary
- Charitable Registration Number: 13072 5740 RR0001
- Contact: Karolina Tomiyama , Director of Philanthropy, Alzheimer Calgary | 403-290-0110 | karolinat@alzheimercalgary.ca
Calculate Your Impact
Watch Hugh's Story
Leaving a gift in your will is an incredible way to leave a lasting legacy and help create a dementia-inclusive future. You can leave a gift in your will, while still taking care of those you love. You can help people like Hugh, now and into the future.
To calculate your impact, click here: https://www.willpower.ca/legacy-calculator/
If you would like more information about leaving a legacy gift to the Alzheimer Society of Calgary, please contact us.
Please Note: The information on this website is provided for general information purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice and assistance from your lawyer, financial advisor, and/or tax consultant. We always recommend that you discuss your plans with your lawyer and/or financial advisor before proceeding with any gift.