Want a safe place to talk about your caregiving experiences? You are not alone.
There are support groups in Calgary and surrounding areas for you to share your story. Connect with others in similar situations to discuss strategies, meet new friends, and learn together.
We have several support groups led by experienced facilitators who will provide valuable comfort, support, connections, and resources.
Note: Pre-registration is required.
Please call us at 403-290-0110
Join the YYC Dementia Support Group on Facebook.
The YYC Dementia Support Group was created to provide a safe place for people to share their experiences and resources.
Family Caregiver Center
The Family Caregiver Centre is a source of information, education, and support for care partners.
- Email: family.caregivercentre@albertahealthservices.ca
- Address: Bridgeland Seniors Health Centre: 1070 McDougall Rd NE, Calgary
Counselling Services throughout the Calgary area
- Calgary Access Mental Health (403) 943-1500
- Calgary Counselling Centre (403) 265-4980
- The Way In (403) 736-4677
- Calgary Women’s Health Collective (403) 265-9590
- Catholic Family Services (403) 233-2360
- Distress Centre (24 hours) (403) 266-4357
- Jewish Family Service (403) 287-3510
Crisis Support Services
811 Health Link and Dementia Advice Line
Health Link is a 24/7 phone line where you can connect quickly with a Registered Nurse. Health Link includes a Dementia Advice Team of Registered Nurses who can suggest strategies and recommend supports.
Distress Centre Calgary
Call their Crisis Line 24 hours/7 days a week for crisis intervention.
The Distress Centre provides information and referral services through their crisis lines, 2-1-1 telephone helpline, professional counselling, and public education.
Mental Health Help Line
Call the Help Line 24/7. They provide support, information, and referrals for Albertans experiencing mental health concerns.
Mobile Response Team
The Mobile Response Team (MRT) is a team of Registered Nurses, social workers, and psychologists who help with urgent mental health crises or distress in the Calgary Zone. They can arrange urgent psychiatry assessments and referrals as needed.
Alberta Health Services Grief Support Program
The Grief Support Program offers counselling to adults who have experienced a family member's or significant other's death. There are also grief groups for managing the loss of a partner, child, sibling, parent, or other significant losses.
Hospice Calgary
Hospice Calgary provides support for families who are experiencing loss through death. There is a Children’s Grief Centre that supports children, teenagers and their families, too.